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Writer's pictureUtah Wild

Utah Wild Q1 - 2021 Updates

Updated: Jul 30, 2021

New Since March 2020

  • New Mission, Goals, and Values

    • Check them out here!

  • New website! Take a minute and explore!

  • We have converted from LLC to Nonprofit: this is more aligned with our values! We have submitted an application to the IRS to acquire 501c3 status, application pending.

Looking Ahead to 2021

  • Fundraising Plans

    • Goal for 2021: Growth beyond ultimate community

    • Introduce Purposeful Partnerships and value-aligned education as part of sponsorships

    • Highlights: develop communication plan, apply for grants, increase media relations

  • Outreach Plans

    • Goal for 2021: Planning and preparing to develop relationships with schools or youth orgs and deliver curriculums

    • Highlights: Develop clinic curriculum, create stakeholder presentation, identify partner organizations (gym classes, community centers, Boys and Girls clubs, etc.)

  • Communication Plans

    • Goal for 2021: More media attention and content output (adding blogs and op eds)

    • Highlights: Develop media relations (both print and online), develop community relations through events

New Faces and Help Needed

Please welcome Alex Walker of Salt Lake City, UT as our 2021 Outreach & Community Engagement Coordinator, and Juliana (Jules) Williams of Denver, CO who is consulting on fundraising, some outreach, non-profit management, and fundraising strategy. We're very grateful for their time and expertise in helping us prepare for the upcoming year!

We're still actively looking for additional help! Please reach out to us if any of these topics are of interest to you.

  • Sponsorship Help: calling, emailing, reaching out to potential sponsors

  • Media Content: writing op-eds, blog posts, social media things, website editing etc.

  • Grant Finding

  • Legal Documentation and Policies: writing contracts and policies for non-profit operations

  • General Advertising Help: getting our name out there, beyond the ultimate community!

WUL Updates

  • New Board

    • Composed of one rep from each team and four at-large community members

  • DEI Consultant

    • Lunaria Solutions (Ontario, CA)

    • Undergoing initial audit

    • Available for individual teams to utilize

      • Our goals: develop trainings, audit our systems, and develop accountability plans

  • Roundtables

    • WUL wants to create interesting content that demonstrates who we are as league/players/teams/athletes

    • Long-form Zoom discussions on various topics with a host and 3-6 players

      • Max 3 hours of time per player

      • Compensation for participating players

      • If you are interested, let us know!

For more WUL updates, check out their website and social media!

Title Photo: Robin Pendergrast, Getty Images, 2020

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